A party game that puts a price on dignity


Minimum Wager invites your friends to guess the smallest reward needed for you to do awful, embarassing, and dangerous things. And if money isn’t what sways you then perhaps magic powers or guaranteed good health will.

How low will you go?

Each round, one player (the princess) draws a black “deal” card

Each player may ask clarifying questions about the deal card

The arbiter for that round answers the questions. Arbiter’s word is final!

Is the shock dangerous to my health?

Only if you have a heart condition.

Do I have to take my shirt off to get to my nipples?

No. No nudity required.

So I have to wear a nipple shocking device?

No. It’s as if God was gently shocking your nipples.

Does the trace amount of alcohol in kombucha count?

Yes. Because kombucha is gross.

Each non-princess player plays a 
face-down reward card they believe to be the smallest/least valuable reward
the princess would accept to agree to the deal.

The princess reviews the rewards and selects the least valuable reward they would accept to agree to the deal – the Minimum Wager

The player responsible for the selected Minimum Wager wins that round.

"So I'm trading five years of sobriety to throw the best party of all time? Sounds fair!"

Minimum Wager is a party game that invites your friends to guess how little it would take to get you to do awful, embarrassing, and dangerous things.

  • Hundreds of cards make every game uniquely dumb
  • Easy to learn in one turn (watch the video)
  • Most games take less than an hour
  • Great for groups of 3-10 people
  • Rated 17+ for dirty deals involving sex, drugs, binge eating, workplace misbehavior and good ol violence.
  • Printed on coated cardstock to withstand minor drink spills. Packaged in a thick-ass box you can yeet like a brick.

The rules are so damn simple y’all.

Read them here

Don’t know how to read? Watch the video.


How do I play?

Each round, the player who’s turn it is (the princess) draws a black “deal” card. The other players select a reward card in their hand that feels like the lowest value (Minimum Wager) that person would do the deal for. The rewards are revealed, and the princess selects the Minimum Wager. The person who played the Minimum Wager keeps the deal card as a token of their big brain victory.

Can you show me an example of a round?

Sure. Watch this video.

How do I win the game?

The first player to win 5 rounds (collect 5 deal cards) is the winner. This usually makes for a pretty zippy game (30 minutes), but if you’re short on time, you can play to 3 cards. Or, for a more tantric experience go for 6, or even 9 cards.

Why should I play this game?

It’s fun getting to see what it would take for the person next to you to eat and entire tube of toothpaste, or worse, kiss your nasty mouth.

It also gives you a sense of what the people around you truly value since a lot of the rewards are non-money things. For instance, some people might prefer to have the ability to select the outcome of an election than $1 million.

You’ll connect on a deeper level by way of agreeing, in principal, to doing awful things for just the right reward.

Where can I buy Minimum Wager?

Minimum Wager will be launching on Kickstarter in early 2025. Sign up here for updates.

Can I play Minimum Wager with children?

Minimum Wager is rated 17+ for dirty deals involving sex, drugs, binge eating, workplace misbehavior and good ol violence. If you’re cool with talking about these subjects with your crotch goblins, then by all means, go for it.

For a more innocent game, consider pulling out JUST the reward questions to strike up a conversation. For instance, you might be surprised to find out that the average 4 year old would rather have a cookie than $1,000.

Is Minimum Wager even more fun with alcohol?

Isn't everything?

How can I be a more awesome human being?

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